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Trouvez le représentant des ventes ergoCentric dans votre région

Recherchez votre représentant commercial ergoCentric local pour obtenir plus d’informations sur nos systèmes de sièges, nos tables réglables en hauteur et nos accessoires ergonomiques.

Raza Syed



Edmonton Showroom [email protected]

Adrian Leger

Atlantic Canada

Mobile: 902-880-7783

[email protected]

David Neilson

British Columbia

Phone: 604-365-3070

[email protected]

Sean Storozuk

Greater Toronto Area (GTA)

Phone: 905-839-6858
Mobile: 416-528-8078
Fax: 905-616-6623

[email protected]

Daniel Applebaum

Greater Toronto Area (GTA) WEST

Mobile: 647-460-7996

[email protected]

Sheila Merrick

Manitoba, Saskatchewan

Mobile: 204-688-0378

[email protected]

Derek Graansma

Southwestern Ontario

Phone: 519-643-8161

[email protected]

Bob Cimon

Western Quebec, Ottawa Ontario

Mobile: 613-282-1432

Ottawa Showroom
[email protected]

Antoine Desjardins

Montreal and Eastern Quebec

Phone: 514-270-4788
Phone #2: 1-888-270-4788
Mobile: 514-941-9748
Fax: 514-270-4285
Fax #2: 1-866-358-4285

Montreal Showroom [email protected]

Mark Blake

Oregon, Washington (State), Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, California, Alaska, Hawaii

Phone: 206-396-4210

[email protected]

Lisa Chavarria Gowan

Florida, Piero Rico, Caribbean

Phone: 214-886-8255

[email protected]

Joe Simpson

Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska, Arkansas, Tennessee, Southern Illinois, Louisiana

Phone: 314-722-1688

[email protected]

Matt Yuhas

New York, Connecticut

Phone: 585-749-0585

[email protected]

Leeds Associates | Richard Leeds

Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine


[email protected]

The Dignan Group | David Dignan

District of Columbia, Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia


[email protected]

Kevin Kliefoth


Phone: 210-488-5900

[email protected]

Red Rock Studio | Brandi Rhodes

Arizona, Nevada, Texas (El Paso), New Mexico

Phone: 480-283-5601

[email protected]

Patrick Reiner

North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Northern Illinois, Michigan, Kentucky, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Western Pennsylvania, Ohio

Phone: 314-681-1509

[email protected]

Select Design Group | Brad Wuerch


Phone: 317-694-1248

[email protected]

Specialty Office Products | Ana Miranda & Rosa Rios

Puerto Rico


[email protected]

Rosaline Colón Torres | Emmanuel Santiago | Ramón Ríos

Puerto Rico


[email protected]